I tried my best to stay motivated and focused on the training-I'm guilty of not really having a set schedule or daily mileage, just at least three times during the week and once over the weekend! I ended up logging a total of 63 miles, which is a big jump from March of only 28! My knee has been pretty sore, probably because of the lack of paying attention to my mileage increases. My next monthly goal is to accurately plan how far my runs will be AND STRETCH!! I think I'm the worlds laziest stretcher... I just don't do it! I know I won't survive my upcoming long runs if I don't stretch so I better start making it a habit.

In the beginning of April I also started volunteering at the children's hospital! Volunteering just reinforces why I decided to run for Team Sweetness. Not all of the children are abused or neglected but all of the situations definitely puts life into perspective and puts my attitude in check when I want to complain about running 5 miles in the morning. In Never Die Easy, the autobiography of Walter Payton he says: "We go through life so fast and so quickly. We miss so much. . .You have to enjoy life to its fullest. Be able to experience everything"(p.136). He related this to his last football game and how he tried to soak it all in before he left the stadium, he didn't want to look back and say "'You know, instead of running off, I should have sat there and just enjoyed that a little bit more.' Don't be that way. If you can do one thing other than being closer to your kids, it's never to have to say, 'oh, I wish I had.' They paid me for football, but I would have played for nothing because I had fun. I honestly had fun. It was enjoyable to me. Enjoy what you do, have fun, enjoy the people around you" (p.137). There is so much more in his book that makes me so happy to be supporting his charity.