Monday, April 30, 2012

Love what you do

I figured there is no better time to really start my training than the child abuse prevention month! So, I thought I would use this post to wrap up my April progress!

I tried my best to stay motivated and focused on the training-I'm guilty of not really having a set schedule or daily mileage, just at least three times during the week and once over the weekend! I ended up logging a total of 63 miles, which is a big jump from March of only 28! My knee has been pretty sore, probably because of the lack of paying attention to my mileage increases. My next monthly goal is to accurately plan how far my runs will be AND STRETCH!! I think I'm the worlds laziest stretcher... I just don't do it! I know I won't survive my upcoming long runs if I don't stretch so I better start making it a habit. 

When signing up for Team Sweetness, like most charities, I needed to raise a minimum amount, which I reached in the beginning of April!! I'm so grateful for all the generous donations! Every donation and every amount means so much, without the support I don't think I would be forcing myself out of bed at 5am. . .

In the beginning of April I also started volunteering at the children's hospital! Volunteering just reinforces why I decided to run for Team Sweetness. Not all of the children are abused or neglected but all of the situations definitely puts life into perspective and puts my attitude in check when I want to complain about running 5 miles in the morning. In Never Die Easy, the autobiography of Walter Payton he says: "We go through life so fast and so quickly. We miss so much. .  .You have to enjoy life to its fullest. Be able to experience everything"(p.136). He related this to his last football game and how he tried to soak it all in before he left the stadium, he didn't want to look back and say "'You know, instead of running off, I should have sat there and just enjoyed that a little bit more.' Don't be that way. If you can do one thing other than being closer to your kids, it's never to have to say, 'oh, I wish I had.' They paid me for football, but I would have played for nothing because I had fun. I honestly had fun. It was enjoyable to me. Enjoy what you do, have fun, enjoy the people around you" (p.137). There is so much more in his book that makes me so happy to be supporting his charity.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Start Running!

If you're just starting your running journey. . . 
Here are some things that have helped me out during the first few months:

First, a GOOD pair of running shoes!! I have gone to Fleet Feet to make sure I'm getting the right size and support for my feet. A properly fitted shoe can prevent pains and injuries.
You can get fitted at most local running stores.
My shoe of choice is Brooks Ghost.
*PS, sometimes the shoe won't always come in your favorite color!

Socks!! They help keep your feet dry and blister free! I'm in love with Balega: Women's Enduro 3 No Show.

Hydration- Something I still struggle with! I never drink as much water as I should.  As you can see, water is a pretty important function for our body!

Feeling some sore muscles?! IcyHot Naturals!! Feel the burn, or is ice :)? Either way, feels great and with 7.5% Menthol it will leave you feeling and smelling minty fresh!

Foam Roller- Helps to roll out those tight muscles, very helpful for those runner's knee, along with many more!I'll warn you, sometimes rolling feels worse then the initial pain...but in the end it's good for your muscles!

Keep a Log- I've found this to be very helpful-not only to track my progress but when I write things down I find myself sticking to my plan better. I use it to keep motivational quotes, weekly mileage goals, etc. . . Whatever will keep you going!

 ATTITUDE! With the right attitude you can do anything! In the beginning I found it very hard to get motivated to get out and run. Anything sounded better. I found having something to run for-Team Sweetness- and knew that if I set my mind to something I can accomplish it. I know I have a looong wait to go still, but am very happy with where I have come!

It takes 21 days to form a habit...

...don't give up! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Successful Procrastination

Well with my first year of grad school coming to an end pretty soon I've been pretty busy! David came to visit me and he joined me for a run! It was a great morning as we went 3 miles along the lake shore, a perfect distance to end up at 3rd Coast Cafe for breakfast! We both had a traditional Eggs Benedict, hash browns, a mimosa and shared a side of bacon :) perfect way to end a Saturday morning run! 

When we got home my Bunny Rock 5k medal was waiting in the mail for me, which was a nice surprise! We then spent most of our weekend together attempting to get some of my paper done. I wouldn't say I got a lot done, but we found some unique coffee shops!

I've been finding any thing and every thing to do to distract me from this paper! I have five days left until it's due- 26 pages!

While procrastinating I found this documentary trailer: Alex Vero-Documentary "Running to the Limits". It was filmed over three years in seven different countries, about three international marathon runners. Sounds like it could be pretty motivating! 

I also starting looking into running clubs or groups to help me train for the marathon and came across CARA (Chicago Ara Runners Association) and signed up for their marathon training! I'm very happy I joined their program! I will also get a free entry into the Newton Ready to Run 20 Miler in September to help prep for teh 26.2! They also have a Road Scholars program where you can help "at-risk" youth train for a half-marathon! I'll hopefully apply to be a group leader next year!

I have a goal of 8 miles tomorrow morning, looking forward to it! Oh, during my procrastination I have also created the best playlists for my early morning runs! Cannot wait for 5:15 am to roll around so I can get out there! It's what will keep me sane through these next 5 days!

Lastly, CONGRATULATIONS to those who ran in the Boston Marathon, Monday, April 16!!  Mr. Keith Wood (the oldest 2012 competitor), 83, finished with a time of 6:23:16 with high temperatures ranging in 80 degrees!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

North at Montrose Harbor
This Easter weekend I ran my first 5k- The Bunny Rock 5k! It was at Montrose Harbor just a few miles north of where I live. I got there about an hour early! Plenty of time to sit around and enjoy the beauty of Lake Michigan!

I learned a few things from this can be more fun when you actually have someone to run the race with you, or at least go with you, so when you're an hour early you're not just bumming around!

Also, when you're provided with this gear (bunny ears and sunglasses) who wouldn't want a friend around?

On a positive note, because I was by myself I took off right from the starting line, within the first mile I regretted it, knowing that's the number one mistake in a race! Since it was a 3 mile race I decided to push myself at that pace even if I did get tired, and I think I did pretty well!

Overall, I placed 117 with a time of 24 minutes and 16 seconds putting me in the top three for my age group!

Anthony and Mary Merlo

This run was also a part of the United Parkinson's Movement! My Grandpa, Anthony Merlo (January 1, 1919- April 16, 2010), lived with Parkinson's for 15 years. Running in this movement was pretty special. It was an international event to collectively run/walk enough miles from the Earth to the Moon. Love you Grandpa!! 

To wrap up my Easter weekend I had Easter brunch with some friends and a delicious steak dinner and some Master's (Congrats Bubba!)  with my brother Jeff :) It's so nice to still have some family around, especially for holidays, always miss our big family get togethers!

Next up-May 6th Cinco de Miler five mile race! Plenty of school, work, and training in between :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lucky Number 81?

At the age of 81 Keith Wood qualified for the Boston Marathon. He is now 83 and will be the oldest male competitor with a qualifying time of 4 hours and 29 minutes! He ran his first marathon at the age of 72, who ever said you're too old to run?! We are born to run and we should continue to do so :) Keith runs 12 hours per week and says, "I don't have any aches or pains, I have no joint problems, and I eat whatever I want. My father lived until 99, so I have good genes." (Runners World, May 2012)

The qualifying times for the Boston Marathon are below:

Depending on how well the Chicago Marathon goes for me in October, who knows maybe my next goal will be to qualify for Boston?! It looks like the older you get, the easier ;)

Another fun fact: In 2009 Albert Stricker at 86 years old ran a 10k (6.2 miles) in 58 minutes and then two days later ran a half-marathon (13.1 miles) in 2 hours and 17 minutes! He started running at 64 years old!! (Runners World, March 2012) Pretty impressive!

There are so many great benefits to running-if you're a runner you already know this....but if you don't run yet, get out there( .... mother, father, David!! yes, I'm calling you out) When you first begin don't worry about how fast or how long you run, every day add another 30 seconds or a minute and soon you'll be out there running with the best of them :)

In the past I would only run if it was to chase a soccer ball around a field...but now I'm in love :)