1. to get a "free" T-shirt
2. it will be an excuse for my parents to visit in October!
3. it will be a challenge- mental and physical
4. it will give me something to work towards
5. it will keep me healthy and in shape
6. to meet new people
7. to train along Chicago's lakefront in the summer!
8. to explore all of Chicago's neighborhoods on my long runs
9. it will help me live a longer and happier life
10. running keeps the stress away
11. there are free massages afterwards!
12. it will give children a chance to have a better tomorrow
13. it will help those who can't speak have a voice
14. the morning after weight lifting I love the feeling of sore muscles
15. to get a finishers medal
16. it will force me to reconsider what foods/drinks I put into my body
17. it will give me a break from 26 page papers
18. it forces me to stay productive and organized
19. any "pain" that I could experience is not any where near the pain abuse victims experience
20. running is a great habit to incorporate into your life
21. to know what it feels like to cross that finish line
22. it is the first "sport" I will participate in that the result is all up to me
23. the loud, supportive fans
24. it's something unique
25. once I commit to something, I don't go back
26. Because I can
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