My Easter 5k taught me to not start a race too quickly, this race showed me what you put into your body fuels....or does not fuel your body! (I already knew this.....but this race I FELT it!) My classmates and I have been enjoying our last week of not having classes and all of those nacho platters, slices of pizza, and a beer here and there...did not do my body good! I've never been too health conscious or picky about what I eat but I think it is because I did everything in moderation and it never really affected my running or any soccer game. With the marathon training just around the corner this was a nice little reminder to think twice about what I eat/drink! (MORE WATER, PLEASE!) So I've added this nice little cravings chart to give me some healthier alternatives when I want those nachos "general overeating" kicks in!
This week brings back the class and structure to my life so I'll be back out there running at 5:30am!
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