Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Walter Payton: Never Die Easy

Slowly, but surely I have finished Walter Payton's Never Die Easy! 

It was a great book about some of the key moments that shaped Walter's life and some of his core values he lived by. Unfortunately, Walter lived a very short life but it was one lived to the fullest. In summary, he leaves his readers with a little advice on how to make sure you live your life to the fullest, because you never know what tomorrow has in store; tomorrow is promised to no one:

1. If you love someone, tell them
2. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything you can
3. Actually listen when talking to anyone
4. Every day is wonderful, because you make it wonderful
5. Fall in love
6. Set high goals
7. Believe in yourself, so others can believe in you
8. Create your own life and live it with no regrets

I think these are pretty obvious to some, but when rushing through life they are very easily forgotten. It is good to slow down sometimes and soak in everything around and really live.
There was much more to the autobiography and I'm sure as my training progresses I will be pulling out some more information and sharing it with everyone!


  1. Good motivation to read before marathon training starts! Loved #34

  2. It was a great book! I didn't know a whole lot about him before, but he's an inspiration!
