It has been a while since my last post - today is a good day to start back up. . .
I went to bed last night mentally prepping for a nice long run in the morning-jamming out to Bruce Springsteen getting ready for his concert!!! I woke up and was ready to go....sort of...
- I woke up and found that all of my running shorts were dirty... not a huge problem, I can wear soccer shorts
- Soccer shorts don't have convenient pockets for keys or ipod... so I had to dig out my ipod armband, that seems like such a pain now that I've been spoiled with shorts that have pockets!!
- Get ipod ready and find out my headphones don't work anymore... great! Very happy I've been running with out my ipod occasionally- before, if my ipod died, so did I
- Put on my shoes, tie my key to my short strings, and out the door
- Run down the street and want to turn around soooo bad, my legs haven't felt this tired in a long time, for no apparent reason
- So definitely off to a great start to a great start! :) I decide to push through my tired legs and determined to fit in this run. I am so happy I did.

Speaking of progress---August Overview:
- January I ran total of 32 miles- August was 88!
- Longest run 18 miles- first 13 I did on my own and then Aly rode her bike next to me for the last 5 miles, felt great after
- Ran in Muskegon over Labor Day. . . another view of Lake Michigan :)
- Registered for the Chicago Half Marathon, which is this weekend
- Being on a Student Committee for school- our Fall Social is the FireFly Run next planning me-I have the Newton Ready 20 miler the next morning
- In hopes to continue running after October 7 I registered for the Hot Chocolate 15k in November

Overall, it has been a great month and I have much to look forward to--Thank you to everyone who has continued to support me through this progress!
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