Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Keeps You Going?

As much as I'd love to say I love running so much I jump out of bed every day at the sound of my first alarm...I can't :( In the past I have found it is so easy to say "I'll run tomorrow" or "I'll run after work", knowing that I'll feel the same way tomorrow morning and I end up taking a month off of running!

Well, with a long 26.2 miles a head of me, I know I can't keep making up excuses. I have found a few go to tips and quotes that keep me getting out of bed in the morning and putting on those running shoes!

"Remember that you almost always feel better after a run than before it."

"If the thought of running your full workout is too much to bear, just suit up to run around the block. Chances are once you're outside, you'll start to feel better and put in at least a few miles. 

Then there are the quotes that keep me running when I know walking would be much easier: 

"The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything.
 It’s your mind you have to convince.” 
-Vince Lombardi

"Ask yourself: 'Can I give more?
'The answer is usually: 'Yes'."
- Paul Tergat-Kenyan pro. marathoner

Lastly, and most importantly, what gets me up and keeps me going is knowing I'm running for The Walter and Connie Payton Foundation.
July 25, 1954 - November 1, 1999
He never died easily and if I am running on behalf of the Payton name, I'm going to live up to his determination and hard work. 

(but of course my Dad is my biggest inspiration ;) 

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