Friday, October 12, 2012

26.2 Miles-Finished

Well, the marathon is now over! Now, this marathon wasn't just a 26.2 mile run but it was a weekend event! My parents flew in Friday and we headed to the Expo! What I loved most at the expo was the idea Bank of America had. They encouraged everyone to sign/write a message on a water bottle that they were going to send overseas to our military. Also, for every water bottle signed BoA was donating a dollar to the Wounded Warrior Project! Anything to support our troops, I'm all about! 

After the expo we headed to Tango Sur, which is were my brother, Kevin, surprised me; he flew in from Arizona! It is very rare that my whole family is together, besides holidays, so this was very nice to have everyone together again!

Saturday night we had a large pasta dinner and went home pretty early. I did go down memory lane and read through my blog before I went to bed. It was fun to look at how far I have come and I went to bed with confidence knowing I wouldn't have a problem. 

Sunday- Race day. Once I got down to the start, I said adios to my mom, dad, and Joel and I went to the corral and just waited. . .  talked to a few people...found out the other runners around me were from: Troy, Denver, Kalamazoo, Farmington Hills, Rochester. . . all significant locations in my life, which was pretty cool and weird considering there are 45,000 runners here...

Then the race began! Everyone I've talked to stressed the point of starting of SLOW! So I did my best and tried to not let the pace get to me. The first 10 miles were a breeze and then I started looking for my family- I forgot which mile I told them to be at :/ so I just spent the next 11 miles looking for them, which kept me pretty preoccupied from thinking about the physical run. Aly saw me and she jumped in and we caught up for a few minutes and then she went back to being a spectator! Around mile 20 I was getting a little tired and seeing my parents would've helped give me a boost of energy but I never saw them so I had to just keep moving(For the record, they were where they were supposed to be! pictures to prove it :))  The fans were awesome - they had great signs- and so much energy to keep cheering for us! The high fives gave me a little smile and a spurt of energy to keep going. My legs were really starting to get tired around mile 26 ha so hell, with .2 left and the finish line in sight it was easy to push through and finish strong! 

It is really amazing to look back at all of the training and those dreadful 5, 8, 10 mile runs and to come all the way to 26.2 miles!! I am very proud of the accomplishment and even my time as a first time marathoner! I can't complain! It was an amazing race. 

A huge thank you to all of the volunteers!! This race would definitely not be possible without them! They get out there earlier and stay later then all the runners just to help us get to the finish! 

And thank you to all of my friends and family who supported me through the training and donated to The Walter and Connie Payton Foundation- your support means the world and I know I would not be where I am today without all of you!

 We ended the weekend with some eating, drinking, and shopping!
Can't wait to see everyone again at Christmas, and who knows maybe I'll start training to qualify for Boston :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

We get to do this...

Last post I mentioned when running my mid-week ten miler I felt something but couldn't describe it. I came across this picture/quote and it described that feeling for me... 
There was nothing exciting about that run, or for many before it, I'm just simply running. I've been doing this for months now and have accomplished multiple new distances so these mid-week smaller runs are just habit. I still feel great after runs and am happy to get out there, wish it could be more, but it has lost that new and exciting feeling. This itself is sort of cool, to know I've come this far and had such a different view on running before.

With that being said: I ran the Chicago Half Marathon with Joel two weekends ago. His goal was sub 2 hours...and mine was to just finish. Since this was his first race I took a little responsibility in trying to pace him for 2 hours... I felt no pressure at all! We started off pretty slow, the beginning was congested, but ended up finishing 1 hour and 55 minutes later....with two bathroom stops along the way. This was our best time, so we were pretty happy!
 This weekend was also full of running, shocker. Some friends from school and I ran the FireFly 5k Saturday night. This was my second 'fun run' and first night run, which was so weird! Watching a few hundred people running at night all while glowing would be more entertaining for me next year instead of actually participating. I'm not sure if I had my Sunday 20 mile race on my mind so I could not enjoy it as much, or just not a fan or running through trails in the dark...not knowing where you're stepping or whats in front of you. I took it nice and slow and finished in 32 minutes...and headed straight to the cupcake cart and ate a delicious Red Velvet cupcake! 
I immediately went to bed once I got home, so nervous about the Newton Ready 20 Miler the next morning. CARA put on a great training run for runners training for a marathon. It was set up like an actual race but we were able to run with our pace leaders/groups, which was comforting! 

Once we got started I felt great, the first 6-7 miles flew by. I went an hour without looking at the time and was surprised to see we were an hour in. . . only 2 more to go! Some where between mile 15-17 my legs started to get really heavy and feet were getting nice and sore. Once we got to mile 18 a few of us in the group had a mini cheer: "yayy" as we completed our furthest distance so far. Normally, I finish the furthest distance and am able to stop, but we still had 2 miles to go...what?! Then i started thinking for the actual marathon there is 8 more miles!!!!! While we were at this point a fellow runner said something about how we have to run such n such... and someone else replied, "No, we get to do this". Those words will definitely be in my thoughts while running those 26.2 miles. I really appreciated those words and I am grateful I am able to work towards this goal.

I had a glimpse of that "wall" runners talk about. I wanted a challenge and here it is- both physically and mentally- with 20 days left to prepare. 
I want to thank everyone again who has donated to a cause that means so much to me. I have surpassed my fundraising goal that I didn't think was possible at first. The generosity has been inspiring and will keep moving me forward. Thank you! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


It has been a while since my last post - today is a good day to start back up. . . 

I went to bed last night mentally prepping for a nice long run in the morning-jamming out to Bruce Springsteen getting ready for his concert!!! I woke up and was ready to go....sort of...
  • I woke up and found that all of my running shorts were dirty... not a huge problem, I can wear soccer shorts
  • Soccer shorts don't have convenient pockets for keys or ipod... so I had to dig out my ipod armband, that seems like such a pain now that I've been spoiled with shorts that have pockets!! 
  • Get ipod ready and find out my headphones don't work anymore... great! Very happy I've been running with out my ipod occasionally- before, if my ipod died, so did I
  • Put on my shoes, tie my key to my short strings, and out the door
  • Run down the street and want to turn around soooo bad, my legs haven't felt this tired in a long time, for no apparent reason
  • So definitely off to a great start to a great start! :) I decide to push through my tired legs and determined to fit in this run. I am so happy I did.

Lately I've been wondering if I've really made much progress throughout the training, which might sound crazy. While on my run today I realized I have come a long way. There was something about my run today, even though it wasn't the furthest distance I've run, not even by half, but I felt a sense of accomplishment. Maybe it was the fact that even after my morning started far from perfect I was still out running. I know 4 months before, if any of the above happened, there was no way I was going out on a run. Maybe it was to knowledge that the distance I was carefree running today, was such hard work a year ago when training for my first half. Whatever it was, as of today, I am happy to have felt the progress of all this training! 

Speaking of progress---August Overview:
  • January I ran total of 32 miles- August was 88! 
  • Longest run 18 miles- first 13 I did on my own and then Aly rode her bike next to me for the last 5 miles, felt great after
  • Ran in Muskegon over Labor Day. . . another view of Lake Michigan :) 
  • Registered for the Chicago Half Marathon, which is this weekend
  • Being on a Student Committee for school- our Fall Social is the FireFly Run next planning me-I have the Newton Ready 20 miler the next morning
  • In hopes to continue running after October 7 I registered for the Hot Chocolate 15k in November
 Overall, it has been a great month and I have much to look forward to--Thank you to everyone who has continued to support me through this progress!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

25 and Counting

Today begins a new year for me: turned 25! I hope to continue running, post marathon, and truly love being a runner! 

Pictures from this morning's birthday run :) One of my favorite parts of the city and what attracted me to running in the first place: Chicago's Lakefront Trail

Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm done skipping runs.

Last weekend I was in Colorado-I was supposed to run 10 miles, but slacker me only did 8 :/  So I wouldn't have to run by myself my dad rode his bike next to me, which was a different but nice way of spending quality time with him :) I loved running towards a view of mountains, they are so amazing. I've always said if Chicago had mountains to the west of the city, I would never leave. 

I followed that weekend up with NO MIDWEEK RUNS-I don't know what I was doing or thinking, but obviously, running slipped my mind? I was so nervous going into our 15 mile run this weekend, but having the group truly helped and wasn't bad at all. I know that continuing to skip midweek runs won't do me any good and I need to work a little bit harder. Only 55 more days left to the marathon, I need to redirect my focus on putting in the time and effort to this training; the more I put in- the easier that Sunday will be!

This weeks schedule:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 4 miles
Wednesday: 8 miles
Thursday: 5 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 16 miles
Sunday: Cross

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Half Way Point

Week 9 is almost done and we're half way to our marathon date! After this week I feel like 26.2 miles will be the death of me! I went out on my 7 mile run yesterday and I felt horrible! The past 2 weeks I've ran 13 miles on the weekend and they have been great, but wow was that 7 was hard! ha This weekend I'll finish the week out in Colorado and thankfully it is our cut back week so I should be able to get 10 miles in on my own . . . and honestly I planned this trip around training so I wouldn't have to do 15 or 18 miles on my own :/

During my commutes I've started to read Born to Run by Christopher McDougall:
I'm really enjoying it so far; one quote that stood out to me was: "The only way to truly conquer something, as every great philosopher and geneticist will tell you, is to love it"-- I do enjoy running, some days, but I would love to find a love for running. Maybe it is something that I can work at? I'd love to conquer this marathon and feel great after and continue running for years to come!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rock N Roll

Over the weekend I ran my second half marathon! Aly and I went to the expo on Friday to pick up our bibs and check out all the different vendors! We ended up spending way too much time there and getting a ton of free stuff: ...tshirts, water bottles, sunglasses, samples, etc...

Then Sunday rolled around and I had no idea how this race was going to go! Last half, I had Kami and her dad to help pace and just keep me going in general. This year, I was running alone. Since I was pretty nervous I decided to not worry about keeping the 9minute/mile pace but just run comfortably and finish. So the race started and I got to the first mile at 9:04, the second mile-9:01, third mile-9:00...what the heck!!! 
I was so surprised that I was comfortably and consistently keeping a good pace I decided I had to stick with it. There were plenty of times where I was struggling but tried not to think about it... There were lively crowds at just the right places which definitely helps keep you going. I look forward to all of the water/ Gatorade stops, which I did not utilize nearly as much my first half marathon and I also took some Gu, which was my first time using those as well. I was surprised how good the vanilla tasted :) I basically I wanted to use this run to try everything and anything to see what helped keep me going and if there was anything that slowed me down for the full.

While thinking about the full in October, I realized while crossing the finish line...I'll have to double what I just ran. . . I knew this before, but having that in my head as I crossed the finish line is a lot different then just sitting on my couch thinking in my head "yea, I can totally train for 26.2 miles and it'll be so fun!"!! I'm hoping the 13 miles seems like a piece of cake soon considering I have to run it again this Saturday as part of training. The more you put in the easier, right?  

Overall, I was and still am really pleased with the outcome of the race. I can't imagine how I will feel after a full marathon!!! I ended the day with a soccer game at Wrigley Field : Italy vs. Poland and then Burger Fest and quickly passed out in bed after all of that!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

1/3 Complete

Well week six has been wrapped up with a nice 7miler with CARA and a realization that the Chicago Rock 'n Roll Half is next weekend!! YIKES! When did that get here??! 

Last year I ran this with a very good friend, Kami and her dad. Kami and I played soccer together in college and she is the one who got me out running. Without her I wouldn't be training for the marathon or spreading awareness about abused and neglected children! She is a great supporter and I'm very thankful to have her in my life!

My time was 2 hours and 4 minutes and I felt pretty good the whole way, minus the nice hill they had the last mile.... The weather was great, which may make it more difficult this year. I didn't have any training schedule at all last summer-- just made sure I got a 10 mile run in sometime before the actual race. Since I've actually been training for the marathon I'm interested in seeing how the half turns out this year!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I've missed soccer!

So before I started all this running on my own, I lived to play soccer. When I moved out to Chicago I figured I should start doing something active and what better sport then running--the lake shore path was the biggest draw for just going out on a run... I was never a fan of just running to run!

 In our training plan it mentions we shouldn't do too many sports with lateral movements but when I got asked to sub on a soccer team I couldn't resist! I figured a 50min soccer game, no subs, playing outside mid...that should cover my 3 miles scheduled! I don't know when the last time I played in a soccer game but oh my gosh, waking up on Wednesday, my body hasn't been that sore in soooo long, especially from just a soccer game! I absolutely love the feeling of being sore, but I'm a little disappointed one soccer game did that much "damage". I used to play 5 in one weekend and not feel half as bad! I still felt it this morning before my 10miler!

Speaking of the 10miles, due to heat, CARA decided to cancel all group runs this morning. My friend Aly and I still decided to go out running...5am to try and beat the heat... and I think every one else who planned on running this morning did the same thing! The funny thing is, I think 5am was hotter out than 8am and later! Oh well, it was great to see everyone still out running/biking!
On to week Six:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 Miles
Wednesday: 5 Miles
Thursday: 3 Miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 7 Miles
Sunday: Cross

Friday, June 29, 2012

. . . and then a bird flew into my head

Week 4=Success! 

I switched the training up a bit this week since I'll be out of town over the weekend- I took yesterday off and decided to run my 9 miles this morning, which turned into 9 1/2-10 miles (not exactly sure where I turned around) I felt great during the long run and kept a great pace for being alone. 

But on my run this morning something very unusual happened. . . I was headed south along the lake shore, next to the grass side; I also run with only one ear-bud in to hear if people are passing, coming up from behind, waves, and of course the birds. . . as I was running past one tree filled with some noisy little birds one either fell out or flew out of the tree and hit me right on the head!!! It was the weirdest thing! I continued to running and notice other runners saw this and looked just as confused as I was!  I have always been afraid of low flying birds that look like they're coming straight at you and now I think the fear might be a little bigger!
Week 5:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 10 miles
Sunday: Rest

Monday, June 25, 2012


Well, I had the best intentions to train better, but sometimes intentions are not good enough. I started a new job and it definitely threw me off a bit. Working all day and then having class at night... coming home and starting all over again, does not make 5am runs look exciting. I've realized that trying to fit in a run between work and class is not possible... so now I just have to deal with it and get out there nice and early. . .

Saturday, I spend the day with a good friend that I met working in the children's hospital. We were talking about different situations/death/serious illness/abuse etc...happy Saturday chat, right? It just reinforced who and what I am running for and to take life one day at a time. You never know what is going to happen tomorrow, so be happy today. I find too many people, including myself, complaining about the most pointless things (waking up at 5am...good thing I'm waking up to enjoy another run...). I feel like I post a lot about this point, but it is so easily forgotten in the fast pace life we all live in now.

So, this past weeks training I got 2 days in... a short run and my long distance Saturday run. . . Hopefully this week I'll have a better result... 

Week 4 Training:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 4 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 9 miles (Leave for Michigan. . . test to get this done on my own!)
Sunday: Cross

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week 2

Well, I was sold on running with the CARA group last week, but this week really confirmed it!

There are some days when I go for a run and feel like I can conquer any mileage, I can run for hours! Then there are those real awesome days where running one mile is the hardest thing I could ever overcome; that is how I felt this Saturday for our 7mile run. This is one of the shortest "long" runs I'll have the next few weeks and can't imagine how helpful CARA is going to be!

I find it amazing how externally motivated I can be sometimes. I really wish I could dig deeper and push myself further on days where I really do not what to do whatever it is. The bigger picture of wanting to survive the 26.2 miles got me through pre training on my own, but the runs were a lot shorter and not set on a schedule, which made it easier (As much as a love schedules, I hate them). So my new goal, on top of all this running, is to be more independently motivated in all areas of my life, to not look back and say I didn't try my hardest. (I've said this before, but now I'm writing it and telling more people so hopefully I actually stick to it! External motivation?!?!) 

Upcoming Week 3 Schedule: 
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 4 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: Cross Train

Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 1

First week of training is DONE! 

Once Tuesday rolled around all of a sudden I got very nervous and excited about the next five months!! I think this will be such an amazing personal accomplishment and I am able to run in support of a great cause. But it is five months worth of training: I don't think I have trained for anything that long and very independent--which will give a higher reward at the finish!

My friend Aly and I are training with CARA and for the first week we did our midweek runs individually and then we ran with the CARA group on Saturday 6:30am! We have had one group run so far, but from that I think it was a great decision to join! Everyone in our group, the "novice/9min pace, was very friendly/chatty which will make those 15 mile runs breeze by! (I hope) 

 Our first week of training included:
Tuesday:3 miles
Wednesday: 3 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 6 miles
Sunday: Cross train

Next week will look similar but on Wednesday morning Aly and I might try out the CARA midweek speed training and 7 miles on Saturday. 

I'm so excited it is finally here! I can't imagine what it will be like to cross the finish line!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May's Over Already?

The end of May:

1. I finally found out where Runners World took their Free Downloadable Wallpaper picture of Chicago! I run by this little path daily but have never thought to see where it led until a friend of mine told me that it was pretty cool (dead-end-but still awesome views).
My Picture!
Runners World Picture

2. As an earlier post mentioned, I've been training in Vibrams and I think I've reached the point where there is no turning back to my Brooks. I went out on a run in them (Brooks) the other day, I made it out 2 miles and my knee KILLED! So I walked a nice 2 miles home (these are the days I wish I brought my cta card with me...) I have been told that I will know when to transition to Vibrams 'full time' and I think that was my cue. I ran 6 miles in Vibrams yesterday without any problems! Now I just have sore calves :) but that's expected! 

3. A family I worked for recently moved so as a thank-you gift gave me a LuLuLemon gift card!!!!! So I picked up a pair of running shorts--Turbo Run. AMAZING! I usually just run with an ipod and keys, but there are some days that having my id/debit card/cta card/keys/phone/ipod would be nice(?)...these shorts hold them all and don't weight me down :) There are two gel pockets in front and a larger zip pocket in back. (I also love the new bags they have!)

Overall, I'm bummed with my mileage, but I'll give my self the excuse of mostly running in vibrams, so didn't want to make my legs any worse from the transition.

Well, another month down- time to start training for the CHICAGO MARATHON! I'm very excited for the Super Clinic this Saturday put on by CARA--I can't believe it's already here. . .

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Walter Payton: Never Die Easy

Slowly, but surely I have finished Walter Payton's Never Die Easy! 

It was a great book about some of the key moments that shaped Walter's life and some of his core values he lived by. Unfortunately, Walter lived a very short life but it was one lived to the fullest. In summary, he leaves his readers with a little advice on how to make sure you live your life to the fullest, because you never know what tomorrow has in store; tomorrow is promised to no one:

1. If you love someone, tell them
2. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything you can
3. Actually listen when talking to anyone
4. Every day is wonderful, because you make it wonderful
5. Fall in love
6. Set high goals
7. Believe in yourself, so others can believe in you
8. Create your own life and live it with no regrets

I think these are pretty obvious to some, but when rushing through life they are very easily forgotten. It is good to slow down sometimes and soak in everything around and really live.
There was much more to the autobiography and I'm sure as my training progresses I will be pulling out some more information and sharing it with everyone!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Vibram Five Fingers

New Bikila!
Recently, I've been training in Vibram Five Fingers. I started out with Sprint and just bought a new pair -Bikila!! 

Why did I switch out of a perfectly good pair of running shoes to go "barefoot"? 
-Knee pain
-They are super cute!
-Heel strike is not natural
-SUPER light 
-Feel faster!
-No more missing socks in laundry
-Very comfortable

I've been switching back and forth between Vibrams and my Brooks and I feel like I am running with bricks on my feet!!! It's amazing how different running feels in Vibrams.

I'm up to 4 miles so far and hope to continue training in them to the point where they are the only "running shoe" I need! 

Monday, May 21, 2012

St. Joseph Michigan

"When you run in places you visit, you encounter things you'd never see otherwise." 
Tom Brokaw

This past weekend my cousin had a little destination wedding in St. Joseph, Michigan, which, from Chicago, is directly on the other side of Lake Michigan. It was beautiful! According to St. Joe's city website, it has been named "The Riviera of the Midwest"! The location along the lake shore made it perfect for a morning run and I loved running through their small town shops and restaurants. 

Since I moved to Chicago I have used running as a way to see the city. I decided that when I visit any other location I would like to get at least one run in. I agree that through running you see things you would not have seen otherwise.

Currently, I do not have any more travel plans, but I will definitely continue to make sure my shoes are packed so I can tour the new city with a run.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fifth Third River Bank Run

Over the weekend I participated in my first 10k! I traveled back to my college hometown, Grand Rapids, Michigan and ran in the Fifth Third River Bank Run! What I liked most about this race was the variety of distances available: a kids race, 5k, 10k, 25k, there was something for everyone!

I ran with part of the race with Mrs. Juzwiak and a congratulations is in order! She placed second out of 119 in her age group!! We had amazing weather and a lot of fans were out there cheering. The only thing that I thought could have been better was the course. Having lived in Grand Rapids for 6 years I have found a lot of beauty there but I don't think this race showed that. There were a lot of out of towners running this race and it would have been great to show off Grand Rapids' beauty!

My Easter 5k taught me to not start a race too quickly, this race showed me what you put into your body fuels....or does not fuel your body! (I already knew this.....but this race I FELT it!) My classmates and I have been enjoying our last week of not having classes and all of those nacho platters, slices of pizza, and a beer here and there...did not do my body good! I've never been too health conscious or picky about what I eat but I think it is because I did everything in moderation and it never really affected my running or any soccer game. With the marathon training just around the corner this was a nice little reminder to think twice about what I eat/drink! (MORE WATER, PLEASE!) So I've added this nice little cravings chart to give me some healthier alternatives when I want those nachos "general overeating" kicks in!

This week brings back the class and structure to my life so I'll be back out there running at 5:30am!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Love what you do

I figured there is no better time to really start my training than the child abuse prevention month! So, I thought I would use this post to wrap up my April progress!

I tried my best to stay motivated and focused on the training-I'm guilty of not really having a set schedule or daily mileage, just at least three times during the week and once over the weekend! I ended up logging a total of 63 miles, which is a big jump from March of only 28! My knee has been pretty sore, probably because of the lack of paying attention to my mileage increases. My next monthly goal is to accurately plan how far my runs will be AND STRETCH!! I think I'm the worlds laziest stretcher... I just don't do it! I know I won't survive my upcoming long runs if I don't stretch so I better start making it a habit. 

When signing up for Team Sweetness, like most charities, I needed to raise a minimum amount, which I reached in the beginning of April!! I'm so grateful for all the generous donations! Every donation and every amount means so much, without the support I don't think I would be forcing myself out of bed at 5am. . .

In the beginning of April I also started volunteering at the children's hospital! Volunteering just reinforces why I decided to run for Team Sweetness. Not all of the children are abused or neglected but all of the situations definitely puts life into perspective and puts my attitude in check when I want to complain about running 5 miles in the morning. In Never Die Easy, the autobiography of Walter Payton he says: "We go through life so fast and so quickly. We miss so much. .  .You have to enjoy life to its fullest. Be able to experience everything"(p.136). He related this to his last football game and how he tried to soak it all in before he left the stadium, he didn't want to look back and say "'You know, instead of running off, I should have sat there and just enjoyed that a little bit more.' Don't be that way. If you can do one thing other than being closer to your kids, it's never to have to say, 'oh, I wish I had.' They paid me for football, but I would have played for nothing because I had fun. I honestly had fun. It was enjoyable to me. Enjoy what you do, have fun, enjoy the people around you" (p.137). There is so much more in his book that makes me so happy to be supporting his charity.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Start Running!

If you're just starting your running journey. . . 
Here are some things that have helped me out during the first few months:

First, a GOOD pair of running shoes!! I have gone to Fleet Feet to make sure I'm getting the right size and support for my feet. A properly fitted shoe can prevent pains and injuries.
You can get fitted at most local running stores.
My shoe of choice is Brooks Ghost.
*PS, sometimes the shoe won't always come in your favorite color!

Socks!! They help keep your feet dry and blister free! I'm in love with Balega: Women's Enduro 3 No Show.

Hydration- Something I still struggle with! I never drink as much water as I should.  As you can see, water is a pretty important function for our body!

Feeling some sore muscles?! IcyHot Naturals!! Feel the burn, or is ice :)? Either way, feels great and with 7.5% Menthol it will leave you feeling and smelling minty fresh!

Foam Roller- Helps to roll out those tight muscles, very helpful for those runner's knee, along with many more!I'll warn you, sometimes rolling feels worse then the initial pain...but in the end it's good for your muscles!

Keep a Log- I've found this to be very helpful-not only to track my progress but when I write things down I find myself sticking to my plan better. I use it to keep motivational quotes, weekly mileage goals, etc. . . Whatever will keep you going!

 ATTITUDE! With the right attitude you can do anything! In the beginning I found it very hard to get motivated to get out and run. Anything sounded better. I found having something to run for-Team Sweetness- and knew that if I set my mind to something I can accomplish it. I know I have a looong wait to go still, but am very happy with where I have come!

It takes 21 days to form a habit...

...don't give up!