Friday, June 29, 2012

. . . and then a bird flew into my head

Week 4=Success! 

I switched the training up a bit this week since I'll be out of town over the weekend- I took yesterday off and decided to run my 9 miles this morning, which turned into 9 1/2-10 miles (not exactly sure where I turned around) I felt great during the long run and kept a great pace for being alone. 

But on my run this morning something very unusual happened. . . I was headed south along the lake shore, next to the grass side; I also run with only one ear-bud in to hear if people are passing, coming up from behind, waves, and of course the birds. . . as I was running past one tree filled with some noisy little birds one either fell out or flew out of the tree and hit me right on the head!!! It was the weirdest thing! I continued to running and notice other runners saw this and looked just as confused as I was!  I have always been afraid of low flying birds that look like they're coming straight at you and now I think the fear might be a little bigger!
Week 5:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 10 miles
Sunday: Rest

Monday, June 25, 2012


Well, I had the best intentions to train better, but sometimes intentions are not good enough. I started a new job and it definitely threw me off a bit. Working all day and then having class at night... coming home and starting all over again, does not make 5am runs look exciting. I've realized that trying to fit in a run between work and class is not possible... so now I just have to deal with it and get out there nice and early. . .

Saturday, I spend the day with a good friend that I met working in the children's hospital. We were talking about different situations/death/serious illness/abuse etc...happy Saturday chat, right? It just reinforced who and what I am running for and to take life one day at a time. You never know what is going to happen tomorrow, so be happy today. I find too many people, including myself, complaining about the most pointless things (waking up at 5am...good thing I'm waking up to enjoy another run...). I feel like I post a lot about this point, but it is so easily forgotten in the fast pace life we all live in now.

So, this past weeks training I got 2 days in... a short run and my long distance Saturday run. . . Hopefully this week I'll have a better result... 

Week 4 Training:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 4 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 9 miles (Leave for Michigan. . . test to get this done on my own!)
Sunday: Cross

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week 2

Well, I was sold on running with the CARA group last week, but this week really confirmed it!

There are some days when I go for a run and feel like I can conquer any mileage, I can run for hours! Then there are those real awesome days where running one mile is the hardest thing I could ever overcome; that is how I felt this Saturday for our 7mile run. This is one of the shortest "long" runs I'll have the next few weeks and can't imagine how helpful CARA is going to be!

I find it amazing how externally motivated I can be sometimes. I really wish I could dig deeper and push myself further on days where I really do not what to do whatever it is. The bigger picture of wanting to survive the 26.2 miles got me through pre training on my own, but the runs were a lot shorter and not set on a schedule, which made it easier (As much as a love schedules, I hate them). So my new goal, on top of all this running, is to be more independently motivated in all areas of my life, to not look back and say I didn't try my hardest. (I've said this before, but now I'm writing it and telling more people so hopefully I actually stick to it! External motivation?!?!) 

Upcoming Week 3 Schedule: 
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 4 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: Cross Train

Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 1

First week of training is DONE! 

Once Tuesday rolled around all of a sudden I got very nervous and excited about the next five months!! I think this will be such an amazing personal accomplishment and I am able to run in support of a great cause. But it is five months worth of training: I don't think I have trained for anything that long and very independent--which will give a higher reward at the finish!

My friend Aly and I are training with CARA and for the first week we did our midweek runs individually and then we ran with the CARA group on Saturday 6:30am! We have had one group run so far, but from that I think it was a great decision to join! Everyone in our group, the "novice/9min pace, was very friendly/chatty which will make those 15 mile runs breeze by! (I hope) 

 Our first week of training included:
Tuesday:3 miles
Wednesday: 3 miles
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 6 miles
Sunday: Cross train

Next week will look similar but on Wednesday morning Aly and I might try out the CARA midweek speed training and 7 miles on Saturday. 

I'm so excited it is finally here! I can't imagine what it will be like to cross the finish line!!!